

Becky R.
So to begin a blog called the Adoption Cottage, you would be correct in assuming I have adopted. 🙂 My husband and I have been married since 2000 and 14 years later have been blessed with 5 forever children: three bio, and two adopted after their foster journeys. After 4 years as foster parents, our home is closing … at least for a while. I now advocate for foster care and adoption, and encourage people to find where they can serve in the larger orphan care world. The heart behind this blog is to create a place where we -anyone at any point in this amazing calling to care for children who need a home- can find encouragement in each other. Guest contributors are always welcome. Let me know if you have a story to tell! 🙂

Doing it all in obedience to God and for His glory.

4 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello Becky,
    I came across your post today on adoption theology. I just wanted to send a note to say I really thought it was great. You simultaneously affirmed the beauty of the metaphor and the way it can be reflected in human adoption…while also urging much-needed caution regarding the places where the metaphor reaches its limits (as all metaphors, even biblical ones, do). So often I observe speakers/writer/etc doing either one or the other. But you — as the Psalms so often do — speak of both the beauty and the brokenness, both redemption and complexity. Thanks very much!
    Jedd Medefind

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