In the Fold

Families have a culture.  There are things we do together or have in common…
figures of speech
inside jokes
just ways of being
…that give each family their unique identity.  It’s pretty cool.  It’s comforting.  Participating shows we belong to the fold.


I realized the other day that our older daughter of 3 years still hasn’t caught on to some of our family nuances and I ached for her.  It must feel isolating – knowing you’re part of a family who you don’t totally GET yet.

Then (as is often the case with me), God taught me through a song we recently sang in church.

Here are some of the lyrics:

“O – o – oh the love that sought me!
O – o – oh the blood that bought me!
Oh the grace that brought me to the fold of God
Grace that brought me to the fold of God

He died for me while I was sinning..
Needy and poor and blind He whispered to assure me… “I’ve found thee; thou art Mine” I never heard a sweeter voice, it made my aching heart rejoice

Upon His grace I’ll daily ponder
and sing anew His praise With all adoring wonder, His blessings I retrace. It seems as if eternal days, are far too short to sing His praise.”

Thats just it.  We were brought into the fold of God fully…BEFORE we really GOT what it meant to be a part of this whole deal!!!  We didn’t know the right words.  The culture.  The ways of holiness, justice and love.  God and our brothers and sisters engaged with us in the sometimes-messy process AFTER we were completely and wholly included in the family.

This is so hard to find the energy to do for our kids when battles occur daily….assaults on that family culture itself.  Even so, I want to give family to my kids.  I want to give the grace and love they need to FEEL what they ARE.  IN the FOLD.

Oh….and listen to the song if you have a chance!  It will make your day!  🙂

Originally written for newsletter.

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