For Everything a Season

Originally written for newsletter.

So… having five kids… I miss out on stuff.  Its just a fact.  I don’t just miss out on ME stuff like trips to Target, Starbucks with friends and browsing Half Price Books (although my husband is super sweet and gives me these opportunities when he can).  Its also necessary for me to forego GOOD stuff.  Bible studies, some church activities, family traditions, service opportunities.

You may experience this in your time and place in life too.  Doesn’t take five kids for these sacrifices to be needed.  One new kiddo in your home through birth or adoption or fostering can take you out of commission for a while…sometimes a long while.

I have something to tell you about that.  ITS OKAY.  Its not even just okay…its BEAUTIFUL.


The way I’m wired, if I didn’t have any children, I would be everywhere all the time.  EVERY study, EVERY chance to serve, EVERY church women event.  I would be INVOLVED in living out my faith all the time.  But you know what?  I AM INVOLVED in living out my faith…ALL the time.

Have you had sweet friends look at you with those eyes… “You’re going to miss [insert activity/event here] AGAIN?  You poor thing. I’m so sorry.”   Those types of sentiments come from hearts of love and concern.  Our friends and sisters in Christ want us to experience things that are meaningful to them and their faith.  It is so kind and sweet.  But I hope in those conversations, we don’t translate the concern into a “woe is me” attitude.  Know why?  Because our precious, complicated, take-me-out-of-the-game-as-I-knew-it life is NOT TO BE PITIED!!!  Like I said….its beautiful.  Its the life God has graciously ENTRUSTED us with right now.  Our faith is being stretched, grown, renewed, sent soaring.

I SO look forward to and cherish chances here and there to gather with peers… wisely commit to some things…  get away for foster and adoption retreat!!  ;-).

Eventually, I’ll get back into the thick of adult ministry & fellowship. Life will change again. For now, though, I still have Bible study…there just may be Veggies involved.  I still serve….all day.  I still have ladies teas…with oversized shoes, cups the size of marbles, and luke warm drops of water.  I still meet needs… interspersed with screams and sobs instead of “thank you’s”. AND I still have community – with brothers and sisters in Christ as often as possible – and always with my little tribe and my Savior.

How blessed.  How very blessed.

Remembering the LOVE

Originally written for Newsletter.

Last weekend was Valentines Day…but we can take time to remember the role of love in our lives all the time. 

Valentines Day can be a fun, sweet, light day for many.  Some ignore it as a Hallmark conspiracy. For others it brings a tinge of pain.  But we hope THIS Valentines Day was a celebration of faithful, everyday, ordinary yet miraculous TRUE love.


Not Princess Bride “Wuv, Twue Wuv”!  (Hmmm…may have to watch that again and bring back some high school memories!) … but the Love that brings about action, patience, strength & endurance.  Here is a list of ways we can ponder and value love today:

1.  Let’s consider and pray for birth parents today.  In the vast scope of situations that lead to fostering and adoption, the inseperable love and pain birth parents experience deserves our constant hope, prayer and love.

2.  WE are loved and appreciated by so many…even in the times where the expression of love is fleeting, lets look back, recieve the kind words anew and cherish them to keep on keeping on.  Who has thanked and appreciated you for this step of faith you’ve taken to love a child?  Social workers. Extended family. Orphanage workers. Pastors. Support group. Birth family. Friends. Judges. GAL. Spouses. Neighbor. Church. CASA. Strangers.  Stop to remember those who have encouraged along the way!

4.  Our LOVE for our children.  Prayerfully someday their love for us as well.  If you have walked the road of attachment and are experiencing and seeing expressions of love blossoming from your child…we rejoice with you!!!!!!  If you are watching & seeing glimpses here and there of what could be…we are thankful and expectant with you!!!!!! If you are doing the hard work and not yet seeing the fruit….we stand with you and hope with you!!!!!!   But we are ALL the same in that we have laid down our lives for our dear ones. THEY are more important than OUR comfort and OUR yearnings for reciprocation.   We have all counted that cost!   True. Selfless. Love.

3.  Always best for last.  God IS love.  He’s the source of all True love.  He gave the greatest gift at the highest price.  He is why we love the orphan at all.  Because of Him.  Always Him.  Let His words and love fill you to overflowing today.

Thankful to you parents who are living TRUE LOVE!!  ♡